
Depression can muddy your outlook and affect performance. Read tips and stories on how to cope on the job.
Succeeding at work with mental illness

Mental Illness at Work: 3 Ways to Succeed

Daniel Giers of The Stability Network talks about how he found career success while living with a mood disorder.

Succeeding at work with mental illness

Mental Illness at Work: 3 Ways to Succeed

Imagine tomorrow you wake up feeling listless, extremely fatigued, sorrowful and hopeless. Imagine if the day before you were energetic and lively. When you live with a mood disorder, it can make everything – including succeeding at work – feel daunting. It’s a common tale and it’s also my story, …
depression in the workplace

Depression in the Workplace: How to Cope

When we’re struggling with depression, giving it our all at work can feel like a Herculean task. Masking irritability and sadness is exhausting. The inability to concentrate makes it difficult to complete job duties. And that’s just when we’re in the office – low energy makes it difficult to even …
Mental health resources

5 Mental Health Sites to Check Out

There’s good news and bad news about mental health information on the Internet. The bad news: There’s a lot to sift through. The good news: Plenty of reputable information and solid advice exists out there. In our own search to locate facts, support and encouragement, we came across these five …
depression and workplace

Have a Narcissistic Boss? It Could Be Hurting Your Health and Personality

Don’t like who you’ve become at work? Your boss could be to blame. People who work for managers who demonstrate psychopathic and narcissistic qualities are more likely to engage in bad behavior on the job, according to a study conducted by the University of Manchester’s business school in the UK …